Friday, February 25, 2011

ZDNet Government roundup: more Wikileaks, sites seized, and Dubya does Facebook

This week on the ZDNet Government blog, I’ve been pretty focused on Wikileaks (and a little 5-minute TV appearance by yours truly).

In addition to my posts here on ZDNet Government, a bunch of my fellow ZDNet bloggers have written some fascinating posts on government-related topics, ranging from the government seizing some not-so-well-behaved Web sites to former President Bush taking his book tour online at Facebook.

Please read and enjoy the talent and knowledge that my colleagues here on ZDNet bring to their individual columns — and to you, every day.

Government shuts down Web sites

The Rise of Web Censorship

Last week saw the closing down of numerous Web sites by the U.S. Government and that may have only been the tip of the iceberg.

UK police want domain seizing powers: Right or wrong?

UK law enforcement want similar abilities to the United States to be allowed to shut down domain names for sites which break the law. Is this acceptable, or an infrigement of further civil liberties?

Wikileaks and more Wikileaks

Wikileaks: How our Government IT Failed Us

Jason Perlow shows that it wasn’t an insecure network that created the “perfect stormâ€‌ that allowed Private Bradley Manning to dump the State Department cables to Wikileaks. It was the failure of our government to apply standard IT practices in a theater of war.

What do we tell our students about WikiLeaks?

WikiLeaks’ impact on foreign policy is considerable, even as we struggle to fully understand the magnitude of their latest disclosures. However, for our students, Chris Dawson questions of ethics and digital citizenship will need to be addressed right now.

Amazon Web Services takes down Wikileaks; It’s in the terms of service

Amazon Web Services has stopped hosting Wikileaks, according to various reports. The hosting company retains the rights to terminate accounts.

Preventing your own WikiLeaks

Security is only as strong as your weakest link, and that â€کlink’ is probably already is in your pocket or laptop bag.

Wikileaks: Collaboration vs Silos & Stovepipes

Oliver Marks says he expects more than a few CIO’s have reached for the Pepto Bismol after hearing the news about WikiLeaks releasing 251,287 leaked United States embassy cables on the public Internet, given how similar the situation is to their responsibilities for protecting data and information.

Agency actions online

FCC sets open Internet vote: Framework just enough to annoy everyone

The FCC is planning to vote on draft rules for an open Internet on Dec. 21. Next up: A wide range of reaction and a framework that won’t completely satisfy anyone.

new policies to protect online privacy

The Federal Trade Commission is proposing new policies around online privacy, including the creation of a “Do Not Trackâ€‌ mechanism as a means of easing the burden on consumers trying to keep tabs on who’s keeping tabs on them.

Google and the government cloud

Google wins email, apps contract with U.S. GSA

The U.S. General Services Administration is going Google. The agency today announced a $6.7 million, five-year award for Google’s cloud-based email and collaboration tools, a move that will help the agency reduce costs by 50 percent over the next five years. In all, the savings is expected to be around $15 million.

EU launches probe against Google. Now what?

The European Commission said today that it has launched an in-depth investigation against Google over allegations that the search engine has abused it position as a search leader, specifically that it has tampered with the ranking of Web sites for competitive reasons.

Washington 2011: The year of the cloud

The U.S. government is adopting a “cloud-firstâ€‌ approach to tech and looking to reduce the number of data centers it operates.

Other interesting reads

Live on Facebook: George W. Bush is an “iPad person,” uses “the Facebook”

Former President George W. Bush made the granddaddy of book-tour stops today - swinging through the Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto for a live Q&A broadcast on Facebook.

Iran: Yes, Stuxnet hurt our nuclear program

The Stuxnet worm got some big play from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who acknowledged that the malware dinged his nuclear program.

Make sure you visit each of these articles. You can also follow the individual bloggers by subscribing to their RSS feeds.

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